About Chris for TAFF

Chris Garcia on being introduced for a reading at an arts centre in San Francisco --
The people started to show up, about 50 in total by the time that Kevin, Intersection's head guy, got up to the podium. He dropped a few plugs for the venue, and then introduced me.
"Christopher J. Garcia is a writer, historian and filmmaker from Santa Clara. He is the editor of The Drink Tank and has written for zines around the world over the last ten years. He is the Assistant Curator at the Computer History Museum, has produced four films over the last three years, has served as Toastmaster at a large regional Science Fiction convention, has written about wrestling since the late 1990s, has run a hoax campaign for the Mayorship of San José, was on a make-over show, and once hosted a Local Emmy Award-winning television programme."
Have I really done all that? I mean, I've had people write bios about me before, but never one that actually made me sound like someone I'd like to know. Had I run for Mayor? Check. Won a Local Emmy? Check. Written about wrestling? Check. I guess I have really done a few things that people might find interesting.
-- Chris Garcia, Reading at Intersection for the Arts, Science Fiction/San Fransisco #25.