Octopus's Garden

Issue Sixty-Six

22nd August 2010

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HELLO, good evening and welcome to Octopus's Garden, the subzeen with its very own Railway Rivals gamestart. It's a subzeen to Jim Burgess' The Abbysinian Prince. Produced by Peter Sullivan, peter@burdonvale.co.uk. It's also available on the web at http://www.burdonvale.co.uk/octopus/.

Convention News

WorldDipCon XX took place this weekend at The Hague/Den Haag, Netherlands — details at http://diplomacy.gomjabbar.de/wdc2010/index.php. It's a five round tournament, with the final round (including a Top Board) on the Sunday. Results will no doubt be circulating Real Soon Now.

Next year, the 21st World Dip Con (you have no idea how old that makes me feel) will be taking place in Sydney, Australia over the weekend of 1st to 3rd October 2011. Full details are on the web at http://daanz.org.au/wdc2011/index.php.

Round 0 — "Hannibal Hamlin"

Railway Rivals Map FR

The players : William Whyte, Geoff Challinger, Bill McKinley, Brad Wilson, Brendan Whyte, Robin ap Cynan.

Paper maps should be in the post in the next day or so - if I don't have a snail-mail address for you, I'll let you know by e-mail. Please e-mail me as soon as the maps arrive to let me know. Can you all let me have set-up orders — company name, and colour preferences — by SATURDAY, 11th SEPTEMBER, 2010 to Peter Sullivan, peter@burdonvale.co.uk No need to include preferences for start, as we all start at Paris.

Special runs for this map are:

  1. England
  2. Belgium/Luxembourg
  3. 'West' Germany
  4. Switzerland
  5. Italy
  6. Spain

Ferry rules are, I believe, standard: Each ferry can be bought first come first served for six points, regardless of length. It can be rented by rivals during racing for five points, once again regardless of length. During racing, it costs one die point to embark, one to disembark, and costs one per turn starting at sea.

Games in OG are all named after Vice Presidents of the United States. Hannibal Hamlin was Abraham Lincoln's first Vice President, from 1861 to 1865. As common with Vice Presidents, he didn't get given a lot to do, once noting "I am only a fifth wheel of a coach and can do little for my friends."

That was Octopus's Garden #66, a Startling Press production.

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