Octopus's Garden
Issue Twelve - August 1996
Garret Schenk writes:
No REAL surprise to see a Confederate flag on a WV
plated-car......the "philosophy" that inspired the CSA is
certainly hardly restricted to the 13 states that once flew the
Bonnie Blue Flag, nor, I imagine, to the presently existing 50
states. One is reminded of the white-on-black-or-Asian violence
that breaks out from time in Britain -- indeed, didn't the
"Skinhead" movement largely start "over there"?
One is ALSO reminded of the now defunct (I believe?) American
zine REBEL, put out by one Melinda Holley hailing from West
Virginia, and proud of it, who was nothing if not vociferous in
her "appreciation" of the Southern so-called "cause" of the
((Actually, I would have said that if you were going to
identify the Skinhead movement with one of the sides in the War
Between the States, it would have to be the North. The South,
after all, was trying to constuct a society where white and
black could live together, albeit in a way that many people then
-- and most people now -- would regard as wholly unacceptable.
Public opinion in the North, however, was more inclined to the
view that black and white could never live together -- hence
the creation of Liberia in the 1820s (??? my reference books are
all in store) as a potential home for "returning" former slaves
to Africa. This is not a million miles distant from "Wogs Out"
and the other moronic slogans of the Far Right in Britain.))
((To return to the original context, I have since discovered
that West Virginia is the name of a popular British Country and
Western band. (I hasten to add that I gleaned this information
whilst switching frquencies on the radio, not from any detailed
research.) Since the Southern states are the traditional home of
C&W, I suppose this makes some sort of sense. After all, there's
many a bar south of the Mason-Dixon line which boasts that its
jukebox has "All kinds of music -- Country and Western!"))
Wedmath II 3019 (93?? ts??) Downfall XIII
- A(DGu) stands, _Dain & 2A(SRh)*stands_, _2A(Shi)*-GHa_, A(FEr) stand
unordered, [[_A(Nen) S 2A(Shi)-GHa_]] (no such unit), A(Ere)
stands, _A(NRh)-RRu_.
- ELVES/GOOD (Donald Scarr, SCOTLAND.) :
- A(Cel) S A(And), A(OFR) S A(Esg)-RRu, A(Bre) S A(SFo)-Shi,
A(Tha)-Dun, A(Wea) S A(Bre), A(NiE) stands unordered,
[[_A(Dun)-Ise M A(Ise)_]] (no such unit), A(SFo)-Shi, A(Ise)
stands, F(GUL) stand unordered, 2A(GHa) S A(SFo)-Shi, 2A(Esg) D
: A(Esg)-RRu, _A(Esg)-Ere_, A(And) S A(Cel).
- GANDALF/GOOD (Iain Bowen, Great Britain.):
- [[_Aragorn/Dead(Dun)-Ise_]] [no such unit], Aragorn(Dun) stand
unordered, Gandalf(. . . . . .) - . . . . . .
- GONDOR/GOOD (Chris Q. Hardy, Great Britain.) :
- A(Hav) stands, Faramir/A/2F(SOU) D : F(SOU)-WES ;
Faramir/A/F(SOU)-GWA : Faramir/A(GWA) Disembark Tha,
2A(NIt)-DMa, 2A(CAn) S 2A(NIt)-DMa, R(. . . . . . ) - . . . . .
., A(Oro) stands, A/C(ELi) S ROHAN Theoden/A(Dag)-SRh.
- MORDOR/EVIL (Despair) :
- Lord of the Nazgul/A(Hrd), A(Kha), A(Hdw), Nazgul(. . . . . . )
all stand unordered.
- A(Udu) stand unordered, Theoden/A(Dag)-SRh, _A(Wol) S C(Fan)-Cel_
(no such order), _A(Gap) S Aragorn/Dead(Dun)-Ise_ (no such order),
A(Nin) M EMy, A(EEm) M EMy = 2A(EMy), C(WEm) stand unordered,
[[_C(Fan)-Cel-And_]] (no such unit).
- DWARVEN Dain/2A(SRh) disbands, no retreat ordered.
- DWARVEN 2A(Shi) disbands, no retreat ordered.
Wedmath III 3019 Adjustments
- DWARVES : Iro, Ere, Blu, Esg, FEr, DGu, -Bre, -Shi.
- = 5 +A(Blu)
- ELVES : EKH, Lor, Iml, GHa, Hdn, Crk, And, CDm, Eot, Gun, Hol,
Ise, -Tha, Fld, +Shi +Bre +Esg +RRu +Dun
- = 18 +A(Lor), F(GHa), A(Iml), A(EKH).
- GANDALF : Dru, -Dun.
- =1 one short, no room
- GONDOR : MTi, Pel, +1, DAm, SIt, Osg, Lam, SGo, MMo, Nur, Cit,
+Hav +Tha
- =13 +F(Cit), A(Lam).
- MORDOR : Bar, -Udu, Kha, Hrd.
- =3 no change
- ROHAN : DHa, Eas, HDe, Wol, EEm, Ano, -RRu, SRh, +Udu
- = 8 +C(HDe)
- = 1 no build ordered!
- UMBAR : -Hav.
- = 0 eliminated
- = 0
- = 49
Note that the Dead ceased to serve Aragorn at the end
of Wedmath I. GONDOR's fleet build in City of the Corsairs is as
per special rule 6(g). The deadline for Halmath I 3019 orders
and retreats is FRIDAY, 20th SEPTEMBER, 1996, to Peter
Sullivan, E-mail : octopus@manorcon.demon.co.uk
Q : Why does nobody ever go near Sauron's former HQ anymore?
A : Because it's an 'orrid ruin