Octopus's Garden

Issue Ninety-Four

12th February 2021

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HELLO, good evening and welcome to Octopus's Garden, the subzeen with its very own Railway Rivals game. It is a subzeen to Douglas Kent's Eternal Sunshine. It's produced by Peter Sullivan peter@burdonvale.co.uk. It's also available on the web at: http://www.burdonvale.co.uk/octopus/.

Round 1 (RR 2473 B) — "Garrett Hobart" — Railway Rivals Map "B" (Lon&Lpl)

JGL black (John David Galt)
1a) (Liverpool) - Bolton [+6] - Manchester {+6} - H8 ;
1b) (H8) - H10 - I11 - I12 ;
1c) (I12) - Stoke [+6] - Wolverhampton [+6].
AYUP yellow (Mark Firth)
1a) (Hull) - J43 - I44 - York [+6] - D42 ;
1b) (D42) - A45 - Leeds [+6] ;
1c) (A45) - Sheffield [+6] - C50.
HJA red (Hank Alme)
1a) (London) - H70 - G71 - E70 ;
1b) (E70) - D70 - Oxford [+6] - B68 ;
1c) (B68) - B62 - Coventry [+6}.
BASH sky-blue (Bob Blanchett)
1a) (Bristol) - F31 - H32 - K31 ;
1b) (K31) - A69 ;
1c) (A69)- Oxford - D70 [-5 H] ; (F31) - F30 - G30 - G29 - Gloucester [+6].

Rolls for Round Two: 5, 4, 7. Orders to me, Peter Sullivan, at peter@burdonvale.co.uk by WEDNESDAY, 10th MARCH 2021.

Mark Firth's company acronym expands to "All Yorkshiremen Utter Profoundly."" In the best traditions of RR company names, I suspect this is (at least in part) a backronym.

Thanks to Tony Robbins, we have a newly-minted RR number for this game!


"It is better to light a candle rather than curse the darkness," goes the old Chinese proverb. It's certainly been a dark 13 months for face-to-face Diplomacy play, both for organised tournaments and for informal "seven mates in the back room with plenty of beer" play. But, with the rapid progress of vaccinations in most western countries, it's not too hard to see some light ahead, with face-to-face play becoming possible again either later this year or early in 2022.

To help facilitate this process, a group of Diplomacy luminaries have set up the "Diplomacy Face-to-Face Registry." The intent is for this registry to serve as a resource for organizers trying to get a game, a club, or an event together. The data is presented as a Google Maps overlay, cleverly designed to appeal to Diplomacy players' fascination (alright then, *this* Diplomacy player's fascination) with matters cartographical. You can find the map at https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/edit?mid=1FIGzlMU-DBZTBDrNyobU_7_TK5jfiAbE&usp=sharing

You can add your own information to the database via Google Forms, at https://forms.gle/3b41kYG1j6nipSmSA. (Your contact information will only be used to promote Diplomacy events and only will only be shared with your consent.)

That was Octopus's Garden #94, Startling Press production number 390.

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